
Follow along with updates and improvements made to Doppler.

November 29, 2020
Product launches

November 2020 Updates

GCP Secret Manager Integration

Using GCP Secrets Manager? Now Doppler can automatically keep your app config and secrets in sync across staging, production, and everything in-between using our new integration! Learn more at

Netlify Integration

Deploying to Netlify? Now you can sync secrets from Doppler to Netlify for every project and environment with our new integration!

Learn more at

GitHub Integration

Struggling to manage secret sprawl in GitHub Actions? You can now inject secrets from Doppler into your GitHub Action with our new integration. Learn more at

Invitation to Join our VDP Program

We’re trusted with serving millions of secrets to developers and their apps in a secure, performant, and reliable way. A love for security is built into the core of our DNA and you can help by joining Doppler's Vulnerability Disclosure Program at

Custom Environments

We love how vocal our community is in telling us what they need to manage secrets more effectively, and the most requested feature by far, has been the creation of custom environments.

And it's now here! 🎉🎉🎉

Laravel Forge Integration

Deploying to Laravel Forge? Now you can sync secrets from Doppler to Forge automatically with our new integration! Learn more at

Heroku Integration

Deploying to Heroku? Make life easy by having a single dashboard to configure all of your Heroku applications across different environments using our new integration, with changes synced instantly! Learn more at

Feedback Modal in Dashboard

What is the shortest word in the English language that contains the letters: abcdef? Feedback! And that’s what we want to hear from you to make Doppler the best app config and secrets management tool by using the new Feedback widget, built right into our dashboard.