We’ve added Discord as a notification service via the Discord Slack-compatible webhook. This will allow workplaces to send workplace Activity Logs to a Discord channel. Learn more about our Discord service.
Added the ability to manage projects from the user detail page. This will allow Admins and Owner roles to manage project access for a specific user in one central place. Learn more about team management.
We’ve improved the design and experience on a workplace’s Billing page. We’ve eliminated the tabbed design that separated information and moved to a single-pane view for easier management and allow for easier access to past invoices. There’s more planned for this page, so stay tuned.
Updated reserved secret names for our Heroku integration sync to include the secrets injected by the Heroku Dyno Metadata labs feature. Learn more about our Heroku integration.
Fixed an issue where some workplaces were showing Trial Expired when they were on a plan in good standing.
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