Integrations are the solution to one of the foremost issues in secrets management: convenience. According to developer surveys, a primary reason developers hesitate to adopt secrets management services or practice better secrets management techniques is the risk of implementing a change that could significantly reduce or disrupt their workflow.
Instead, developers prefer solutions that fit the tools and development environments they already work in. Secrets management solutions that employ comprehensive integrations provide security without compromising development comfort and efficiency.
In short, integrations are different services that provide all of their services at the same time without significant friction. They also include services that have the ability to update and communicate with each other, providing a developer access to the benefits of one service while using the other.
Integrations are vital for any development team. According to one survey, although 85% of developers used secrets management tools of some kind, 55% of respondents still shared secrets via plain text in spreadsheets or messaging apps, even though sharing secrets over these channels is among the primary avenues hackers use to gain access. These developers still used less secure secrets management practices because their tools were inconvenient. Integrations increase the adoption of better security practices. Some examples:
Integration with SAML SSO identity providers ensures developers are able to verify their identity for safe and secure access without needing to waste time verifying it for every individual service they use. Instead, the multi-factor authentication of the identity provider is communicated to each service once the verification process is complete.
Integration with web-based development services makes upgrading secrets management painless for small, dynamic teams that rely on AWS and other cloud computing providers. This integration allows for secrets to be injected into the code securely and easily and transmitted quickly between team members while using their preferred development environment.
Integration with messaging services allows secrets management solutions to send configurable alerts and updates automatically so security teams can stay up to date with secrets usage and other workplace activity.
Trusted by the world’s best DevOps and security teams. Doppler is the secrets manager developers love.