Sep 11, 2024
4 min read

Stop wasting time on secrets management - Let Doppler handle it

Stop wasting time on secrets management - Let Doppler handle it

Secrets management might seem monumental, but it doesn’t have to be. Securing your CI/CD pipeline shouldn’t slow down your development workflow. Scaling your secrets management practices while your development team expands isn’t supposed to be daunting. Doppler makes it easy for teams of all sizes to conquer their secrets sprawl without compromising integrity or efficiency.

Take a quick look at some of Doppler’s features and learn what we can do for you:

Ease of development

Gone are the days of slowing workflow because of missing or out-of-sync secrets.

  • When developers push updates, Doppler automatically syncs secrets across the team to ensure everyone always uses the latest version.
  • Doppler fully integrates with VS Code, offering syntax highlighting and autocomplete features. By hovering over an environment variable, you can quickly inspect your secrets.
  • Doppler’s CLI makes injecting your secrets as environmental variables at run time secure and convenient. The CLI features universal support, natively supporting every language, framework, and infrastructure. It can also be commanded to automatically restart your application when secrets change to use the latest version. If you prefer coding in Vim or EMACs, Doppler’s Terminal User Interface is alazygit-stylee editor with all the familiar keybindings.

Secrets sprawl and leak prevention

Prevent Secret Sprawl by using a single source of truth.

  • Doppler’s centralized, secure vault uses AES-256-GCM encryption and scalable fine-grained controls to help you manage your access to secrets to keep them safe while in transit.
  • Manually syncing secrets between and within development teams wastes time and is impossible to scale. Doppler instantly and automatically syncs secrets in real time across all environments and infrastructure, ensuring operational consistency across the entire development team.
  • Observing and auditing secrets serves many functions across an organization, from maintaining legal compliance to tracking and eliminating compromised credentials. Doppler tracks and monitors user actions, system changes, and data access to give your team the most information possible. Maintain direct control over who has access to secrets, prevent unauthorized access, and safely share secrets among specified 3rd parties at any scale.

Breach containment

Every second counts during breach remediation. It’s important to have a clearly outlined plan in place in the event of a breach, and to equip your team with the tools they need to identify compromised secrets, rotate them quickly, recover the platform, and investigate the original vulnerability.

  • With Doppler, every action is captured through an audit log, allowing your team to trace access patterns and identify the scope of any breach. Doppler reads and writes by user and service at a per secret level, so your team can identify precisely which secrets were leaked and when. Doppler’s instant rotation and sync capability swaps out the compromised credentials immediately across the platform.
  • Rotating secrets in the event of a breach helps mitigate damage, and Doppler makes it easy to rotate secrets at any time. Regularly scheduled rotations, instant synchronization across all environments, and rapid redeployment features mean virtually zero platform downtime and fast rollbacks to previous versions. Regularly rotating secrets helps prevent the use of stolen secrets, regardless of whether the security team is aware they have been compromised.
  • In the immediate aftermath of a breach or a faulty application update, it is important to limit the damage and rectify platform downtime quickly. With Doppler, every version of a secret is automatically captured, allowing you to revert to a previous version to recover from an outage and redeploy instantly.

Let Doppler handle it

Make your life easier by using a secrets manager that supports and scales with your team. Doppler’s suite of features makes centralizing your secrets and securing your development pipeline easy. We’re confident that Doppler is the solution to your secrets management needs. Check out our Docs and try a free demo to learn more.

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