Oct 07, 2024
5 min read

It’s Time to Update Your .env Files

It’s Time to Update Your .env Files

What are .env files, and why are developers using them?

Instead of coding values that give access to sensitive information directly into a program, developers use environmental variables with their code and store the actual value in a separate file called .env. When loading .env files as environment variables, the file is ready before the program starts running, giving it access to the values it needs.

Since the .env file is separate from the program, the code can be easily shared and updated without sharing the actual values of sensitive variables. Creating and using .env files allows developers to access and work on all parts of their code without leaking sensitive information, but it isn’t a perfect solution.

So, what’s wrong with .env files?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with .env files in isolation. If a developer works on a single project alone, they are an appropriate solution to storing secrets locally. If a hacker gains access to the .env file by accessing the local development environment, they would have access to everything that the .env file unlocks, but let’s set aside compromised local environments to assess a more consistent problem.

The primary issues with .env files begin to show themselves as teams, projects, and environments scale. A single developer managing a few secrets is simple, but a team working in three environments that needs to share and update .env values multiple times a day, every day? Issues quickly arise.

Time Wasted:

For example, if a new environment variable is introduced or an old one is updated, all team members working on code requiring that secret must update their own .env files to match. Every mismatch means more time spent debugging until the mismatch is identified and rectified. In essence, wasted time.

Yet even if a team is appropriately (and securely!) communicating all of their .env updates, that also takes up additional, unproductive time. Even teams with as few as three developers routinely work with 40+ secrets across multiple development environments. Managing and updating each one adds a few minutes here and there until developers find that they spend hours every week just managing secrets—more waste.

Insecure Practices:

Beyond the wasted time from inefficient practices, and often as a direct result, many developers share updates to .env files through insecure channels, like direct messaging services (email, text, slack, jira, etc.). According to this Bitwarden survey, although 85% of developers used secrets management tools, 55% still shared secrets via plain text in spreadsheets or messaging apps, even though sharing secrets in plain text over these kinds of channels is among the primary avenues hackers use to gain access.

These channels are often used because there are so many secrets for developers to manage and because the existing channels for updating them are inefficient, but the dangers of insecure secret-sharing practices are very real. In just the first half of 2023, 50% of data breaches were committed using the stolen credentials of valid accounts. Many of these valid entry methods were gained through secrets exposed by insecure transmission methods.

How Doppler Replaces .env Files

Doppler offers a solution to secrets management that eliminates the need for .env files. By acting as a centralized, real-time source of truth for secrets, Doppler enables developers to access environment variables easily without the headaches of manual updates or insecure sharing practices.

When using Doppler to replace .env files, developers can seamlessly integrate secrets into their local environment by using the Doppler CLI. The Doppler CLI syncs environment variables directly into the local development environment, removing the need to manage separate .env files manually. This approach brings several advantages:

  1. Centralized Secrets Management: With Doppler, all secrets are stored in a secure, centralized location. Teams can easily access and update secrets across different environments (development, staging, production) in real time. This eliminates the need to send .env files or secrets over insecure channels, minimizing the risk of accidental exposure.
  2. Automated Updates: By integrating Doppler with your local environment, developers can automatically pull the latest secrets without manual intervention. This feature significantly reduces the risk of mismatches in environment variables and the time spent debugging inconsistencies.
  3. Version Control: Doppler provides version history for secrets, allowing developers to roll back to previous configurations if necessary. This version control offers a safety net, ensuring that if an incorrect value is added, it can be swiftly corrected without disrupting the workflow.
  4. Secure Sharing: Instead of sharing .env files through potentially insecure channels, developers can use Doppler to grant secure access to secrets. Team members only need access to Doppler rather than the raw .env files, mitigating the risks of plaintext sharing.

To get started, install the Doppler CLI and connect it to your project. Doppler will then handle loading environment variables into your local environment, making it a secure and efficient replacement for .env files. This transition strengthens security and optimizes the developer workflow, freeing up valuable time to focus on building and maintaining code.

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